Page 14 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 14

building, consisting of Administrative, Academic and Residential Blocks, is designed by internationally

           acclaimed architect and renowned academician Dr. Balkrishna V Doshi of Vastu-Shilpa in consultation
           with other experts in the field of sustainable, eco-friendly and energy-efficient building. The building is
           furnished tastefully by M/s Godrej. It is partially air-conditioned and partially air-cooled following tenets
           of a green building. The current composition of the Building committee is given in Appendix I.

           5.   Governance

           The Centre is governed by its Governing Board and Governing Council. The Finance Committee, a
           subcommittee of the Governing Board, looks after the financial aspects of the Centre. Constitution and
           major responsibilities of these three committees are mentioned below:

           5.1.  Governing Council

           Governing Council (GC) is an apex body of the Centre chaired by its President, ex-officio Chairman of the
           UGC. The Council has seven ex-officio members and three nominated members. The members of the
           Governing Board are also members of the Council. As such, total number of members of the Council is
           twenty-one.  The  nominated  members  of  the  Council  serve  for  a  term  of  3  years.  The  Director,

           INFLIBNET is the Member-Secretary of the Council. The Council meets once in a year. The present
           members of the Governing Council are listed in Appendix II.

           5.2.  Governing Board

           Governing Board (GB) manages, administers, directs and controls the affairs of the Centre as per Rules
           and Bye-laws of the Centre. The Governing Board is headed by a Chairperson, who is an eminent
           academician in the areas of relevance to the Centre and is appointed by the President of the Council. The
           Governing Board has six ex-officio members and seven nominated members who are nominated by the

           Chairman, UGC. The Director, INFLIBNET is the Member Secretary of the Board. The Governing Board
           meets at least twice in a year. The current members of the Governing Board are listed in Appendix III.

           5.3.  Finance Committee

           The Finance Committee (FC) is a sub-committee of the Governing Board and consists of seven members. It has
           three ex-officio members and four nominated members. The Chairman of the Governing Board is also the
           Chairman of the Finance Committee. The Administrative / Accounts Officer of the Centre is the Non-member
           Secretary of the Committee. The Finance Committee makes recommendations to the Governing Board on i)
           Budget proposals of the Centre; ii) Scrutiny of the Audited Accounts and replies to the annual Audited Report; iii)
           Approval  of  sanctioned  and  additional  positions;  and  iv)  any  other  matter  on  which  the  Board  seeks  its
           recommendations. The Finance Committee meets at least once a year. The minutes of the Committee, after
           approval by the Governing Board are forwarded to the UGC for examination, approval and release of grants to the
           Centre. The members of the current Finance Committee are listed in Appendix IV.

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