Page 8 - April_June 2017
P. 8

Topics                                                 Name of the Experts
         Relevance of Academic Research Output Analysis         Dr. Manorama Tripathi, Deputy Librarian, Jawaharlal
                                                                Nehru University

         Web of Science (Demonstration)                         Ms. Kruti Trivedi, Scientist B (LS), INFLIBNET Centre
         BibExcel: Tools and Techniques Part I & Part II        Mr. Hitesh Solanki, Scientist B (CS), INFLIBNET
         and Hands-on Practice                                  Centre
         Relationship and Difference between Bibliometrics,     Dr. Manorama Tripathi, Deputy Librarian, Jawaharlal
         Scientometrics, Informetrics, Webometrics and          Nehru University
         BibExcel : Tools and Techniques Part III &             Mr. Hitesh Solanki, Scientist B (CS), INFLIBNET
         Part IV and Hands-on Practice                          Centre

         VOSViewer : Tools and Techniques Part V                Ms. Kruti Trivedi, Scientist B (LS), INFLIBNET Centre
         and Hands-on Practice

        A total number of 30 registered participants comprising   Professor,  DLIS  and  Workshop  Co-coordinator
        of library science professionals from Assam, Manipur,    presented the report of the Workshop in detail. Prof.
        Meghalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Tripura and Mizoram,        Lianzela  shared  his  views  on  NIRF  for  improving
        faculty  members  and  research  scholars  of  the       research  productivity  of  the  universities,  and
        Department participated in the workshop.                 organization of such kind of training programmes for
                                                                 stakeholders of the society; and lastly congratulated the
        Valedictory Session
                                                                 department  and  organizers  for  having  such  kind  of
        Dr.  Manoj  Kumar  Verma,  Workshop  Coordinator,        training programmes. Prof. R. K. Ngurtinkhuma, DLIS
        welcomed  the  Chief  Guest  Prof.  Lianzela,  Vice-     opined  that  more  and  more  of  such  kinds  of
        Chancellor, Mizoram University and participants. Dr.     programmes  should  be  organised  for  getting  more
        Verma  acknowledged  the  support  of  INFLIBNET         technical  knowledge.  he  stressed  upon  to  use

        Centre,  Gandhinagar,  Gujarat  for  sponsoring  the     bibliometrics for research purposes in future. Prof. R. N.
        national Workshop. Dr. Akhandanand Shukla, Assistant     Mishra, Head, DLIS extended a warm vote of thanks at
                                                                 the end of the valedictory session.

        Five-day National Workshop on Creation and Management of Digital Collection

        using DSpace, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 24th- 28th April, 2017

        Five-day  National  Workshop  on  Creation  and          awareness in new developments in the field of library
        Management of Digital Collections using DSpace was       and  information  science,  such  as,  managing
        organised  at  INFLIBNET  Centre,  Gandhinagar  from     information  sources  in  digital  environment,  building
        24th to 28th April, 2017. Mr. Yatrik Patel, Scientist D   institutional repository, networking and social media,
        (CS), Mr. Swapnil Patel, Scientist B (CS) and Mr. H G    management  of  e-resources,  latest  development  and
        Hosamani,  Scientist  C  (LS),  INFLIBNET  Centre        trends in LIS with glimpse on library automation along

        coordinated  the  Workshop.  The  Workshop  aimed  to    with hands-on-training. 04 participants participated in
        equip  participants  with  skills  for  developing  and   the Workshop. Mr. Swapnil Patel & Mr. Hitesh Solanki,
        managing their own digital repositories; and to create   Scientists B (CS), Mr. Vijay Shrimali, STA (CS) and Mr.

                                                              6                        Vol. 24, No. 2 (April to June, 2017)
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